Biking is a good way to get around.You can list its positive aspects endlessly.Like every coin has two sides, cycling has its pros and cons.
In recent years, cycling has become an increasingly popular form of recreation.Bicycle is the most environmentally friendly mode of transport.The popularity of this method of travel has recently been associated with the fashion for a healthy lifestyle.Hiking by bike makes it possible to fully relax in nature, see interesting places, fully experience the speed and freedom.Bicycles are simply an indispensable thing for tours that are planned for several days and involve spending the night in nature.
Every person has thought someday to leave their car in the garage, pack their essentials in a backpack and go on a trip on a two-wheeled friend.It doesn’t matter where.Just looking for adventure.It’s great when you travel under the open sky, the sun shines brightly overhead, and the hair blows in the wind.And on both sides, natural landscapes change each other.This is what attracts cycling tourism.The following positive aspects of this type of tourism can be distinguished.
Advantages of cycling:
• Benefit for health.
• Lots of time outdoors.
• Mobility.
• Independence in choosing the route of movement.
• Financial accessibility.
Benefit for health
A bicycle is a wonderful exercise machine.Cycling helps to lose weight, tighten certain muscle groups and give the figure a fit.Cycling has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and soon you will not remember shortness of breath.Helps in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and varicose veins.
Lots of time outdoors
All the time you travel, you are constantly in the fresh air and saturate your body with oxygen, and do not sit in the stuffy interior of a car or public transport.
It is possible to cover long distances in a short time, despite traffic jams and other obstacles that restrict movement by car or train.It is possible to admire nature, stop in places of interest, and do not have to look for parking spaces.And if they had to look for, then it will be much easier to do.After all, a bicycle takes up much less space than a car.
Independence in choosing the route of movement
Self-compilation of the travel route makes it possible not to depend on the schedules of trains and planes.You can make a travel plan and visit only the sights of exceptional interest.You can personally choose the pace of travel that you like, gain experience, so that later you can participate in large bike tours.
Financial accessibility
Traveling by bike requires much less money than traveling by any other means of transport.The bike does not require refueling and technical inspection, it is not taxed.Pretty easy to manage and environmentally friendly.The only expense here is to buy a quality bike, as well as accessories and equipment with which the trip will be more comfortable.A well-chosen uniform when traveling long distances will help to avoid injuries and spoiled mood.Also, during this trip, you will not have to spend money on renting hotel rooms, and sleeping bags and tents will save on the benefits of civilization.
In the spring, all bicycles become more expensive in price.Therefore, it is recommended to buy it in winter, it is at this time that sales take place in sports stores.It is quite possible to buy a high-quality and comfortable model of a bicycle and not overpay money.
Like any vehicle, along with the advantages of traveling by bike, there are disadvantages.
Disadvantages of cycling:
• Lack of security.
• The need for physical fitness.
• Dependence on the season.
• Possibility of breakdowns.
• Luggage weight limit.
• Force majeure circumstances.
Lack of security
In general, roads are not fully equipped to enable cyclists to travel safely.We have to take risks every time and go to the roadway.Do not forget about attentiveness and safety when moving on busy roads.Wear a helmet and follow the rules of the road.In large cities, there are still bike paths, you must ride strictly along them.

The need for physical fitness
People without physical training need to start by traveling short distances.At least in your city area.When riding a bicycle for the first time to the other end of the city, you can understand that you have somewhat overestimated your strengths and capabilities.
Dependence on the time of year
The main travel time is from May to September.Not everyone wants to ride a bike on snow, ice or mud.In this case, it becomes not the most successful and safe mode of transport.Therefore, with the onset of frost, it will be necessary to change to a more comfortable vehicle.But even when traveling in the summer, bad weather can overtake.
Possibility of breakdowns
A bicycle, like any vehicle, can break down.A spare tire and other necessary tools should be taken with you.And all this is not very convenient to carry with you.And creates extra weight for transportation.
Baggage weight limit
You can carry luggage with you on a bike weighing no more than 10 kg.
Force majeure
When driving in mountainous terrain, no one is immune from falls and injuries.While traveling in foreign countries, anything can happen and the ability to get out of difficulties is required.
Conclusion and recommendations
Regardless of the directions of cycling travel and their negative aspects, this type of tourism is full of bright memorable moments and impressions.An excellent sport that helps to spend time with health benefits and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
And to avoid negative moments, it is better to choose tours on bicycles through the appropriate companies.With such an organization of the tour, all these moments (arranging an overnight stay, repairing bicycles, etc.) are usually provided.Travel agencies select cycling routes in accordance with the experience and physical fitness of tourists.